Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving- (Real Original)

Katie posted on

  • 11
  • 28
  • 2013

Thanksgiving- a day of monumentous mashed potatoes, hardened arteries, and turkey genocide. But looking past the commercial facade and beyond the actually historical significance, we are left with the idea of thankfulness.

Just thinking back to the basics, a roof over my head, food in my belly and loving family and friends, I already have so much to be thankful for. Add in all of my life experiences since then, especially over the course of these past two years, I am overflowing.

To my family and friends, both in the states and overseas, Thank you all for your consistent support as Ned and I chase this crazy dream through life. So many of you have touched my life in ways that no words can ever explain. In all my efforts I strive to continue to make you all as proud as I am to call you my friends and family.

And of course to my Ned Nova- Thank you – These past 7 years you have helped me discover who I am and have given my life a purpose worth living. I love you, then, now and always.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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